31 de Diciembre 2004

adios antigua..


pos no mas checando si esto sigue sirviendo, y como salen las cosas....adios imagen de Dior Homme y Chanel y hola a la de Alexander McQueen con bg de 'Asexual Revolution' de steven meisel....luego le sigo con el recuento de cosas
bye :D....
BTW nuevos links :D
visiten a Ale ^^

Escrito por Khlaudia a las 3:50 AM | Comentarios (0)

16 de Diciembre 2004

more than mist the eye...

I N N O C E N C E, let's talk about that thing which fooled me for so long
you did never like it to admit a thing, at least you always pretended to be the kind of person who will never cause something to happen nor happiness either damage
damn you, I course each bloody sight I breathed for you, always for worse,
I'll never admit that you fooled me for being so innocent, breakeable, almost magical
but even in that case you had showed me how strong and untouchable you are
with your always flirtly look and youthful eyes you bring all the buildings down to me, to my heart
but does it matters you? do you even noticed? no, you live in your pretty and tiny world
where only you rule, where you are never bothered by stupid girls like me
where musical notes come all around to capture you into a safety place,
and unbreakable walls take part of your surroundings...
angry, yes I'm angry, I'm pretty much mad for whatever all that you caused me
do you know what is the torture to look at you through those crystals shades and find out that you love at somebody else? do you even imagine and many times I did swear your bloody name? No
Why? because to you I don't even exist!

Escrito por Khlaudia a las 8:55 AM | Comentarios (0)

15 de Diciembre 2004

next exit...

Troubled Confession

Silken words of unintended treachery sleep uneasily just beneath my tongue
Words that would be soft caresses if they had
Fallen from glossy lips in another time and place
Stand poised to unravel the delicate bond knit so carefully between the two of us and
Threaten to snag in the imperfections of the shimmery velvet cloak of teasing words I wear to mask my longing
At a distance our conversations become laced with suggestion
Flirtations easily dismissed as playful words exchanged by witty senses of humor
Tender banter that returns some sparkle to my dimmed chocolate gaze
And to your eyes the color of stormy skies
And provokes a content smile to spread lazily across softened features in the pale lamplight
Things you don’t see

In the soft gray light of a cold misty winter morning nostalgia and loneliness overwhelm
Tainted vision blurred by dreams that I’m afraid cannot come true
Rainwater that seems to only wet the surface of my skin struggles to cleanse my weary defeated thoughts out of my hardened mind
Whispered wishes escape chapped cracked painful lips
Willing casual teasing to reveal hidden meaning behind our lighthearted exchange
So that on days when raindrops stream down the windowpane
Matching the tears that cloud my eyes as I stare unfocusedly down at worn sidewalks
I could imagine you wrapping me up in your arms cracking the shell around my heart
Although it should be me taking care of you
Things I dare not say

Middle of the night, I walk alone, my heart goes out to you
The wind would be whistling outside my window, I know, and I cannot see the moon
Darkness and solitude envelop me and the air is ice cold against my papery skin
Echo of the loneliness I saw in your eyes that I wanted to chase away
But you would not let me in, for days, you would not let me near you
And as I wander back I wonder if I could ever even fathom your intangible ever-present hurt
Inescapable fear presses upon my soul heavy like stones sharp like daggers
Unable to smooth away the worries in your head with my small hands
Helpless against the haunting voices of your past with my broken song
Useless so far away so many miles from where you are stars sparkling high above
Wishing for a magical kiss so that I could erase all the pain although it sounds cliched
Aching from the lack of you not knowing where we stand afraid of what I might find out
Silent strength to face the answers I don’t want to hear and the truths I don’t want to give in to
I want to take care of you hold you until it breaks down the walls around your heart
Things you should not know

Confessions of secrets I cannot hold in right now unburdening yet
Still heavy on my heart because the last thing I want is to hurt you
Especially not right now
All that is and all that isn’t and all what I wish could be

Extraído de DeviantART por ~wanderinghearts

realmente profundo y hermoso...para cada quien hay algo de verdad en esta obra, para bien o mal

Escrito por Khlaudia a las 11:10 PM | Comentarios (0)

7 de Diciembre 2004

La FAUSSE-fille


i'm still lying here, no matter how long I hear my voice and thoughts, still alone...no matter what...and then you look at somebody else, no me. Why? why i'm so obsessed with being the one who posses yours thoughts, your sights, your looks. Sadly I'm standing here, over this ground, this filthy and lonely ground, yet I'm happy because I have everything, but I'm sad because to you I don't exist anymore, no matter how much I care about you, I'm just invisible, prescindible, ilogical and mad. Your innocent gaze had been always of somebody else, not mine, at least not completely. Those dark brown eyes fulled with charisma and in some moments lust, are not here to look at me, you did never look at me really, only that time in which we met, your curious personality was wondering what was someone like me standing there...Agonizingly enough to love if I love,Though my feelings lose their place
And everyone is seeking out love, we only pass each other by

ok creo q eu mi imagen lo dice todo...detesto a los hombres!!!! dios por que los hiciste tan idiotaS? porque tengo nueva vecina? pork reprobé mate? pk soy tan loser/rara/obsesiva/quejumbrosa/amargada/criticona/..../ INFELIZ? Pork me gusta tanto Kato**? Pk el brasileño se lleva con la(s) fulana(s) de Garza Lagüera -omitiendo lo obvio- ? Porq....soy tan tonta y frágil....mi madre me lo dijo, para que lloras, mejor pnte a trabajar...pero coño me vale madres todo, y la vez no...
**Kato, el mentecato
se cae por ser skato
no jala ni pa' gato
y menos para pato

Escrito por Khlaudia a las 7:22 AM | Comentarios (0)